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Preying on the predator

Spain ranks second in the world when it comes to shark fishing, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Only Indonesia catches more sharks. Fusion’s Nicolas Ibargüen traveled to the Port of Vigo, in the north of Spain, the main center for the export of shark fins to Asia. While other countries across the world, like the Bahamas and Palau have banned or limited shark fishing, the European Union has a long way to go until it’s shark fishing industry is sustainable.



Creada por:

Nicolas Ibargüen, Lara Fernández y Tomás Ocaña

Dirigida por:

Nicolas Ibargüen


The Facto & Univision Planeta

  • Sunshine State Award 2018
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Preying on the predator
Preying on the predator
Preying on the predator
Preying on the predator

Productores: Lara Fernández, Tomás Ocaña. Directora de fotografía: Sofía O. Urwitz. Cámara: Fabio Giolotti. Edición: Begoña Ruiz.
